AURA’s electronic diffusers provide ideal control.
Our electronic diffusers are designed for perfect distribution of the essential oil’s dry vapor, utilizing the yacht’s fresh air make up (FAMU) system.
- The dry-diffused essential oil moves through existing passages and vents.
- The simple distribution begins with an easy install of the box that holds the bottle of oil.
Program the app from Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, easily controlling the release of the perfect aroma, including its strength, release time, and duration.
- Each room or space of the yacht is designated as a “zone”. An “event” within the zone refers to the release specifics, such as release time and duration.
- One example event is breakfast in the salon, with AURA’s Valencia Orange released for morning freshness.
Passengers benefit, as does the yacht. The oils have naturally-occurring, beneficial properties:
- Peppermint inhibits mold growth, helping disinfect as it moves through the yacht’s FAMU system.
- A known favorite of boat captains, Black Mitchum Peppermint offers anti-nausea properties.
- Scientific research confirms lavender’s calming and soothing effects.